About Me

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Dundee / Ayr, United Kingdom
Graphic Design, Photography, Design, Freelance. 3rd Year Graphic Design, Duncan of Jordanstone College Of Art and Design

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

This Beer Tastes Funny

God Save our Future King or Queen!

I saw this today that made me laugh quite a bit. Scottish brewing company Brew Dog have released a beer especially for the royal wedding thats laced with. . . viagra! Now im not up to scratch with my medical or alcohol laws but im not too sure if mixing them together is strictly legal.

However the "Royal Virility" beer should make the wedding reception a bit more exciting!

Have a Happy Day Kate and Willy.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

MPA Roses - Nogloo

Shown here is my entrant for the MPA Roses. My brief was simply "Sell Ice To Eskimos", set my design company Dinosaur from Manchester. My answer to the brief was an Igloo delivery service and Igloo mould set.

I took quite a tongue in cheek approach to the subject of Igloo making becoming a lost art, however I feel that I created quite a plausible solution.

YCN Rise of the Apes

This is entry to the 2011 YCN Student Awards for the brief 20th Century Fox. We were to create a promotional advertising campaign for the upcoming film Rise of the Apes, which hase since been renamed Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Unable to upload poster boards.