
For those of you that haven't noticed there's the new Pepsi logo and typeface. I myself, I'm still unsure of what my opinion of it is. Its a lot more simplistic, perhaps to copy Coca Cola's style that switched not too long ago to a more basic look.
You are alone in most of the pictures, that suggests that although you may have had friends you are very comfortable spending time in your own company. This could be because you lived some distance away from them as seem to be from the country from the looks of the photos. The house that your climbing the fence of suggests that you may have lived on a farm or had family that did. You may have moved house at a young age but continued to live in the countryside in a large house.
From a young age your clothes suggest that you spent a lot of time outdoors and were perhaps not particularly vain in any way or may have been a bit tomboyish growing up? You also seem to be an outdoors person as only one of your pictures is from inside. To me this looks like you are quite adventurous and eager to try new things, and that this started from a young age. You don’t look as if you were ever spoiled when growing up and was always kept quite level headed. Personal possessions don’t seem to feature much as they may not be of particular importance to you which suggest that you may value other things higher than them.
As you grew older it looks like you formed a group of friends but although you fitted in you may have stood out from the crowd as a bit of an individual. Whereas most of your friends clothes are quite similar you look like you developed your own fashion sense perhaps to stand out and be different from others and the norm. You appear to be a bit more girly as you grow older as your hair and jewellery suggests. You like bright bold colours this suggests that you are quite a confident, positive person, also as you are smiling in a lot of the pictures. Your holding a glass of wine in one picture which looks like you like to have a good time...
From what Kirsty has said I was quite close with my description with only a few things being wrong, like her living on a farm and that she has also got an older sister. I found that it was a little bit difficult to describe what she is like now as most of her pictures are from quite a young age.
From the feed back that I received from Kirsty I believe that she may have got quite a good grasp of my personality but may have been a bit unsure of some areas of my personality, this could be due to the lack of pictures of me at an older age which was the same problem that I had.
I enjoyed this assignment as it was a new experience, although it was a bit unnerving at times as I felt that I was being too critical of someone who I don't even know. After this though I feel as though I am a lot more prepared to undertake the primary research required for the rest of this semester.