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Dundee / Ayr, United Kingdom
Graphic Design, Photography, Design, Freelance. 3rd Year Graphic Design, Duncan of Jordanstone College Of Art and Design

Thursday, 18 March 2010

London 2012 Logo

We all know how terrible the London 2012 logo is, well this website offers some alternatives.
Flick through the logos and look at the comments, some of them are SO funny.


  1. this one is my personal favourite... http://www.fubra.com/london2012/view.html?id=265

  2. It doesn't matter. 2012 is when the Mayan Calendar comes to an end, and we're all going to die anyway.

    However, have you tried uploading your S.H.I.T logo to the www.fubra.com/london2012/ site. I'd vote for it.
