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Dundee / Ayr, United Kingdom
Graphic Design, Photography, Design, Freelance. 3rd Year Graphic Design, Duncan of Jordanstone College Of Art and Design

Thursday 20 January 2011

Assignment 1 Part 2

I initially analysed the rest of my Group following my own VARK test and made projections of what are I thought each person would come out strongest in. I thought that there would be a few Reflectors and Theorists and only had one person down as an Activist and another as a multi-modal as well as two Pragmatists.

However...after our group meeting we should probably be called Team Activist from now on (well perhaps except Becca). Apparently we have a group where everybody got either strong or very strong for Activist, like myself. At first I was surprised by a few but on reflection it seems that our group are all quite similar. We gel quite well as a group ad this could be why. When it comes down to the group task, this could be either a positive or negative thing. Our similarities in learning styles could mean that we work well together in a similar fashion. Although it may be more likely that because of our dominance in the Activist area that we may have some failings in other ares. In the sense that Activists are prone to being strong in leadership then it might be the case that too many cooks spoil the broth.

We should probably look into trying different research and learning methods as to give ourselves the best chance as a group. We seem to lack on the reflective side of learning and that could be an area that as a team we try to improve on to become multi-modal. There are other areas that the group is strong in as three of us are strong theorists, this is something that we cud use to help the other members of our group.

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